Protect your HAIR!

Note: This picture was used for illustrative purposes.

It is a fact that one of the most visited places, especially for males, is the barbershop. 

For some, they visit the barbing salon weekly, monthly, depending on the hairstyle they keep. Most people have a specific barber they visit due to one reason or the other. It might be that their barber knows exactly the kind of style they want and they deliver it perfectly.

Objectively speaking, the barber's shop is regarded as a safe place, this is not always the case. You can go to a barber's shop infection-free and come back with infection(s). Before we proceed, read this life story.

"As a new student in University (Name withheld), I decided to always look good. You know the kind of advice they give new students during their orientation that the school frowns on indecent dressing and hairstyles. Nevertheless, due to my status as a fresher, I had a hard time finding my way in school. It took me few weeks before I got familiar with major locations and hotspots in school.

So, the date for our matriculation ceremony was announced and every student both the freshers and old students were excited for various reasons. New students like me were joyous because we are going to be fully integrated into the school. While old students saw that as an opportunity to " Catch fresh fish" I still don't understand the meaning.

In order to look good for the occasion, I went to a barber's shop at the school's aluta market. He asked me the style I wanted, I told him to give me a nice afro low cut. 

The following day was the D-Day. I took pictures with my friends. Some of them didn't have matric gowns, so we had to share. 

Fast forward to three days later, I woke up that morning only for me to feel a sharp pain on my scalp. At first, I thought it was a minor stuff until one of my friends saw it and shouted "Guy u don get kurupa oo" 

Initially, I thought it was a normal student joke, but others who saw it said the same thing. I was battered.
 They told me I will have to scrap my hair 🤨. Me ke? scrap which hair? odidi fine boy. They told me that I will have to do it to prevent it from spreading. 

I insisted and went to a pharmacy. I showed the man I meet there and he said it was a barbing infection. He have my drugs and the description. I was happy. I don't have to barb every hair off my head again. 

Two days after using the drugs, the whole infection disappeared. Even my friends were shocked. 
I was supposed to use the drugs for 5 days, but because of the covid-19 pandemic, we had to go back home. I left the remaining drugs in school because I thought that the infection was gone. That was the biggest mistake of my life at that time. 

The infection came back in full force by the time I got home. Everyone was paying keen attention to the pandemic but I was carrying an infection on my head. I used different drugs, spent money on various creams and lotions. Yet, this infection was still gaining strength. The pain I went through was excruciating. It got to a stage that pus was even coming out. It was a  tragic moment in my life. You could think that it's just a minor infection, but my carelessness almost cost my hair. It took me over a year before I got free from the infection."

Welcome back, guys. Now that you have read that story, you will realize what it can cost you if you are not careful.
The next time you go to get a haircut, ensure that follow these tips.

*Ensure that the tools that will be used on your hair are sanitized.
He must disinfect his grooming tools.

*Check your skin before you go to get a haircut.
If you have open cuts or wounds on your skin, cancel your appointment. The issue is you are at risk of developing an infection if the barber uses an infected tool on those particular spots on your skin.

*The salon has to be clean
This may go without saying, but if the barber looks dirty, it probably is and there is no crime in telling a barber why you cannot patronize them.

*If possible, get your own clippers and grooming tools.

*To prevent stories that touch, if you notice something strange about your hair, ensure you attend to it before it cost you greatly.

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